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Saving planet is humanity's main challenge - Mattarella

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 24 - President Sergio Mattarella commented on the need to tackle the climate...

Sections - 24.05.2024, 11:15

Climate protesters target health ministry for latest stunt

Members of the Ultima Generazione (UG - Last Generation) group on Tuesday targetted the health ministry in Rome for the latest in a long series of controversial acts of civil disobedience aiming to highlight the need to tackle the climate crisis.

Sections - 21.05.2024, 11:34

Controversial new Migration and Asylum Pact to come into force in 2026, 15 EU countries demand even stricter rules

"On the one hand, we are fending off refugees, while on the other we are constantly helping to create the reasons for flight - see the consequences of the climate crisis or economic policy. Europe is contributing to flight and labour migration," emphasised Kohlenberg.

Sections - 17.05.2024, 10:21

Homes cut off after river bursts banks in Veneto

    Scientists say the climate...

Sections - 17.05.2024, 08:03

Tennis: Climate protesters halt play at Italian Open

    "This is just one of the many effects of the climate and ecological crisis. Profound change in our system is essential to safeguard our territory and its citizens.

Sections - 13.05.2024, 16:27

EIIS summit to focus on climate, health and food

    "Climate change represents the worst crisis humanity has ever faced", said Andrea Geremicca, the director general of EIIS.

Sections - 08.05.2024, 10:59

Law for return to nuclear by end of this parliament-Pichetto

Environment and Energy Security Minister Gilberto Pichetto said Thursday that the government aims to pass the necessary legislation to make Italy's return to nuclear power possible by the end of the current parliamentary term.

Sections - 02.05.2024, 09:07

Bologna climate road block had 'noble' purpose - judge

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 30 - A judge has described as "noble" the aims of three people who blocked traffic on Bologna's ring road on November 2 to highlight the need to tackle the climate...

Sections - 30.04.2024, 12:52

Environment, Energy, Climate G7 opens in Turin

    The meeting was preceded by protests on Sunday at world leaders' failure to tackle the climate...

Sections - 29.04.2024, 12:11

Inter to wear 'Ext1nction Numb3rs' for Earth Day

The initiative is part of WWF's 'We Are The Panda' campaign, which seeks to highlight the fact that the environmental crisis is a serious danger to humans, not just endangered species of animals.

Sections - 22.04.2024, 11:54

Young march to 'take back the future' amid climate crisis

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 19 - Young people took to Italy's streets on Friday to demand action to address the environmental crisis as part of the latest Global Climate Strike staged all over the world by the Fridays For Future (FFF) movement inspired by Greta Thunberg.

Sections - 19.04.2024, 13:24

Young Italians march to 'take back the future' amid the climate crisis

(ANSA) - ROME, APR 19 - Young people took to Italy's streets on Friday to demand action to address the environmental crisis as part of the latest Global Climate Strike staged all over the world by the Fridays For Future (FFF) movement inspired by Greta Thunberg.

Sections - 19.04.2024, 13:24

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